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Birmingham Tech Week

As a tech company we like to keep our nose to the ground of what’s happening locally with tech, for those of you who weren’t aware Birmingham has just hosted Birmingham tech week! The event kicked off on Monday 11th October and offered a wide variety of tech events covering a broad portfolio from the tech sector.

Monday offered a VIP Leaders Breakfast, Why the West Midlands, a CreaTech Panel and the Opening Event.

Tuesday offered a digital skills panel – ‘Kick-starting your tech career’, Cyber Tuesday, Digital Skills Day, Celebration of WM Health Technology, A Future of Work Panel, Rock your LinkedIn Profile, Decoding Digital Transformation and finally the SuperTech Dinner at The Exchange, 3 Centenary Square.

Wednesday moved onto Tech and Digital Showcase Day starting at Conference Aston, to include Cyber (in) Security, 10,000 Small Business – Midlands Showcase by Goldman Sachs, Natwest tech for Good Event, Acceleration of Industry 4.0 in Manufacturing, Birmingham Knowledge Quarter, Product Leadership & Cultural Change.

Thursday kept the tech coming with How do you become a data-driven organisation, Start/Scale/Succeed hosted at Icentrum, Holt Street, Entrepreneurs for Future Showcase, WM5G: What is next for connectivity @ Oozells Building, 9 Brindley Pleace, The Bullring Virtual Entrepreneurs Showcase, WM5G: Transport Educate Session, WM5G: Digital connectivity in Manufacturing, Kainos x Birmingham Tech Week – game-changing digital in a pandemic.

The final day on Friday brought: The future: Digital Trends, Future of Cities, Urban Mobility and Birmingham, The Future: Talent and Culture, Going Global, and to wrap up the week a Black Tie Dinner & Awards at the International Convention Centre, Broad Street.

What a combination of tech events for Birmingham Tech Week ! Its so exciting to see the city of Birmingham hosting such events. Also a big thank you to (a not-for-profit community initiative (CIC) which aims to raise the profile of the Birmingham and West Midlands tech scene) for organising the event. We’re already looking forward to the 2022 event…



We are an IT support company based in Birmingham with over 20 years of extensive knowledge in IT services. If you are looking for IT support, speak with our team by calling 0121 289 4477 or email us at