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Birmingham Airport Cyber Attack

Birmingham Airport Cyber Attack

Cyber attacks are unfortunately very common on the internet, we've all seen the odd Phishing email in our inboxes or a scam call on the phone. However, sometimes larger-scale cyber attacks can occur too. Birmingham Airport's recent Cyber attack is a good example of...

A new IT innovation centre in Birmingham

A new IT innovation centre in Birmingham

Now and again, start-ups in the IT and Tech industry will set up new branches or headquarters across the world. When this occurs, we can undoubtedly expect increases in the technological advancement of the area, through innovation. In this blog, we’ll discuss the...

NCSC New Start-ups in Cyber security

NCSC New Start-ups in Cyber security

In cyber security, online threats spread across sectors and borders, affecting businesses of all sizes, people from all backgrounds and even threatening our most important infrastructure, from schools to hospitals. Luckily, when we are threatened with large-scale and...

Birmingham tech week

Birmingham tech week

As a tech company we like to keep our nose to the ground of what’s happening locally with tech, for those of you who weren’t aware Birmingham has just hosted Birmingham tech week! The event kicked off on Monday 11th October and offered a wide variety of tech events covering a broad portfolio from the tech sector.