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Claude 3 enters the AI Scene

Claude 3 enters the AI Scene

In the evolving landscape of AI, Anthropic, a new startup, made an announcement on Monday regarding the latest iteration of its Claude family of AI models, Claude 3. The company claimed that Claude 3 exhibits "human-like understanding," a statement that, while...

Bristol to host the UK’s Fastest Supercomputer

Bristol to host the UK’s Fastest Supercomputer

In a ground-breaking move, the Government has established the Frontier AI Taskforce, a dedicated initiative designed to tackle the challenges posed by advanced AI technologies, particularly in areas crucial to national security. This task force will be granted...

Samsung UK Data Breach

Samsung UK Data Breach

In a recent development, Samsung Electronics, the renowned South Korean multinational tech giant, has informed a subset of its customers about a data breach that compromised their personal information. Samsung sent a notification to customers that the cyberattack only...