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Cyber Essentials

Crypto- you could be mining for hackers

On August 2nd, Hackernews reported that over 200000 MikroTik routers were infected with Crypto mining malware. The hackers exploited a known vulnerability in the Winbox component of MikroTik, this was discovered in April and patched in just a few days after the...

Ransomware- WannaCry did not return

Today we had several clients reporting to us that they received an email claiming that the WannaCry ransomware is back. That email has the following text, with different modifications: Hello! WannaCry returned! All your devices were hacked with our program deployed on...

GDPR and CCTV- is this really a problem?

Businesses could find themselves paying a hard fee of 4% of their global annual turnover — so making sure that you’re compliant with the changes GDPR has regarding CCTV is essential.     Some of the key things you need to know: You need a strong and valid reason for...