Cyber Essentials

How is Cyber Essentials verified?

How is Cyber Essentials verified?

The cyber essentials certification process assesses a set of controls that provide basic cyber security for all types of organisations. Cyber essentials involve a self-assessment questionnaire of these controls, ensuring that each of them are present and are functional to verify that they protect the organisation and their cyber security system.

Third-party risks- how to protect yourself

Third-party risks- how to protect yourself

It’s a known fact that third-party risks are unavoidable in supplier-buyer relationships. One way that you can provide significant cyber security for your business is through the use of a third-party risk management plan. This is a type of process that focuses on assessing and managing risks that are associated with third parties.

What is Cyber Essentials Plus?

What is Cyber Essentials Plus?

When we work and speak with our clients, one of the first things that we try to establish is how well their business is protected against some of the most common types of cyber threats. We will also consider the risk and ways that cyber attackers will attempt to breach that client.