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Cyber Essentials

The cost of Cyber Essentials in 2021

The cost of Cyber Essentials in 2021

One of the most effective ways to boost your IT security within your business is by becoming Cyber Essentials certified. Cyber Essentials is a government-backed scheme aiming to implement a significant level of cyber security within organisations across the UK. The Cyber Essentials scheme helps to address some of the most common weaknesses within IT infrastructures to prevent cyber threats or breaches of your data.

Cyber Essentials – How to pass

Cyber Essentials – How to pass

Implementing cyber security within your business is an essential and effective way of keeping your data secure. With cyber attacks on the rise, it has never been more apparent why you need cyber security. The cyber essentials scheme provides your business with a framework which will protect your business from some of the most common types of cyber threats.

Why IT security is important

Why IT security is important

IT security, also known as Cyber Security, is important in order to protect and defend all categories of data against cyber criminals. Their aim is to steal your information and compromise it in order to gain profit or put your business at risk. These cyber criminals are only getting smarter and more tactical, slowly becoming more resilient to several cyber defence methods.

5 quick ways to improve your Cyber Security

5 quick ways to improve your Cyber Security

A recent UK Government’s Cyber Security Breaches Survey has found that 2 in 5 UK businesses have reported a cyber attack or a data breach in the last 12 months. These findings are suggesting to us that the level of cyber security breaches and attacks have amplified since Covid-19. A huge reason for this is remote working and businesses struggling to manage and oversee IT security whilst their employees are working from home.

Email security- how to recognise phishing attacks

Email security- how to recognise phishing attacks

One of the most common communication methods amongst businesses is through email. However like with most things, emails come with their own vulnerabilities and security problems. A lot of businesses will have a low security email system in order to receive emails from new and existing clients. A high security email system poses the issue of not receiving all emails which can be disruptive and inefficient in a work environment. This is why it is important to understand how to recognise fraudulent and ‘phishing’ emails and the best practises on staying safe whilst communicating through emails.