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Cyber Essentials

Christmas shopping online? Here’s how to stay safe.

Christmas shopping online? Here’s how to stay safe.

As we have entered a more technology advanced era and in particular where remote working and online shopping has seamlessly become the new norm, staying safe online is vital. This year many of us will and have already started to purchase Christmas gifts online and many fraudsters and hackers will take advantage of this especially if our cyber security isn’t up to date or present at all.

Cyber Resilience Centre- West Midlands

Cyber Resilience Centre- West Midlands

Working together for a Safer, Securer Future in Business We are proud to announce we have partnered up with WMCRC (West Midlands Cyber Resilience Centre) since their launch in July 2020. The centre plans to become more established across the country and provide...

What is Cyber Essentials & Why do I need it?

What is Cyber Essentials & Why do I need it?

Cyber Essentials are a scheme that is backed up by the UK Government aiming to reduce the amount of cyber vulnerability that is seen in many businesses. Cyber attacks have always been a pending threat that businesses fear and are anticipating which is why cyber security is a necessity rather than just a luxury.