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Cyber Essentials

What is Microsoft Office 365 ‘MyAnalytics’?

What is Microsoft Office 365 ‘MyAnalytics’?

Microsoft Office 365 have released a new AI powered productivity insights feature called ‘MyAnalytics’. It presents you with information & analytical data which can help you to improve your work patterns. The program offers: • Statistics about how you have spent...

Cyber Aware Top Tip #6 – Voice Phishing

Cyber Aware Top Tip #6 – Voice Phishing

What is voice phishing (vishing)? It’s very similar to email phishing, except this scam takes place over the phone. Voice phishing is the most human of social engineering scams, making it all more believable. Have you seen the advert by Barclays? This is a perfect...

Why are Cyber Attacks on Universities on the Rise?

Why are Cyber Attacks on Universities on the Rise?

Academic institutions are becoming a large target for cyber-attacks. Due to the sheer size of universities, the damage done by cyber criminals can be vast. Not only can it damage reputation, it can have major financial repercussions both instant (breach of regula tion...

Cyber Aware Top Tip #5 – Shoulder Surfers

Cyber Aware Top Tip #5 – Shoulder Surfers

What is Shoulder Surfing? Sometimes known as tailgating, shoulder surfing is the practice of spying on a user of an electronic device in order to obtain their data or passwords etc. This can be both an online and offline activity, so it’s important to be vigilant to...

Removeable Media – Cyber Aware Top Tip #4

Removeable Media – Cyber Aware Top Tip #4

Although cloud storage is a popular method of holding data, there are still physical products which are used by many people to store and transfer their information. Items like USB sticks, SD cards & external hard drives are good examples of portable devices and we...

Strong Passwords – Cyber Aware Top Tip #3

Strong Passwords – Cyber Aware Top Tip #3

Weak passwords are easy for hackers to crack. Security experts say that you should use strong & unique passwords for each of your accounts online. Most people tend to choose a complex password and use it across all of their platforms, however this can leave all of...