Our mobile devices are more than just communication tools; they’re central to everything from shopping and banking to connecting with friends and colleagues. Unfortunately, this reliance on smartphones has made them prime targets for cybercriminals, who are...
Cyber Security
How Much Would You Trust A Brand After A Data Breach?
In a rapidly evolving digital landscape, consumer trust is more valuable than ever. A recent survey conducted by Vercara, a leading provider of cloud-delivered security services, sheds light on the significant impact of cyber security data breaches on brand loyalty....
3 Shockingly common employee Cyber Security practices
In this blog, we'll cover some shockingly common employee and business practices within the workplace that can be detrimental to their Cyber Security. But first, let's go over why this is so important to talk about. With continuous Digital and technological...
Is Password Security Enough?
Whenever we hear anything about cyber security, there is always a piece of advice about password security. But are passwords really secure? Let’s find out!
Firefox Revamps Privacy Feature!
Services and features change and evolve over time, today, Firefox's online privacy feature has been retired. Mozilla, the company behind Firefox, has announced that starting with Firefox version 135, the “Do Not Track” (DNT) checkbox will no longer be available. This...
How your employees can reduce cybersecurity risks
Research suggests that cyber security breaches are expected to grow to 15.4 million by 2023. Despite technological improvements and advancements in recent years, cyber security still proves to be a growing issue no matter how much security is used.