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Cyber Security

Cyber Security – Are you being over sold?

Are you being over told & over sold on Cyber Security? Antivirus, Malware, Firewall, Email Protection, you’ve got the lot! So why are you still being asked to Invest more!! Solutions4IT provide a without obligation RISK ASSESSMENT because knowing is better than...

IT Security Workshops June 2019

IT Security Workshops June 2019

In June 2019, Solutions 4 IT saw the launch of a series of ‘IT Security Workshops’ These workshops were 60-minute presentations that targets managers who need to better understand Digital Foot Printing. What is Digital Foot Printing you ask? Digital foot printing...

Cyber awareness tips- keeping safe this Christmas

With Christmas just around the corner and more and more people doing their shopping online, we thought we would share a few Cyber Awareness tips and what to look out for, to make sure your online shopping experience is safe and stress free! Before you click 'BUY' and...

Antivirus- 4 reasons to install it

Antivirus- 4 reasons to install this on your phone A study released in August states that adults spend one day a week on their phones, that means that 24 hours every week are spent over our phones whether we are checking our emails or browse our social media channels,...