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Cyber Security

4 Ways To Up Your Email Security

4 Ways To Up Your Email Security

Emailing is one of the most common ways that we now communicate with each other. Not only that but emails are used for a number of things such as transactions, online shopping, account creation, verification, job applications and more.

Once a Security Measure, now a Cyber Threat?

Once a Security Measure, now a Cyber Threat?

In the landscape of IT, there's nothing more daunting than a new cyber threat. However, today, we know of a new upcoming plot to steal sensitive data. According to analysts, legal advertising tools are now being utilized as a cloak for illicit campaigns, enabling...

10 Billion Passwords Leaked In Massive Data Breach

10 Billion Passwords Leaked In Massive Data Breach

A Data Breach is one of those terms on the WWW where it can range from relatively tame information, all the way to serious Security hazards. Not to mention the consequences are dire regardless of it's size. However, the most recent Data Breach that has occurred is...