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Cyber Security

5 benefits of using a VPN

5 benefits of using a VPN

A VPN (Virtual Private Network) is a type of network system that lives outside of the Internet. It also uses additional security and encryption measures in order to protect your data when surfing the web. VPNs are so important now whether you are a business owner or a casual browser, the information that you search should be private but when using the Internet that just isn’t the case unfortunately.

3 ways to maintain your Cyber security

3 ways to maintain your Cyber security

With the continuous evolution of cyber crimes, hackers have become smarter and are now able to infiltrate and breach even the big corporations like Uber or Ticketmaster which has caused 40,000 customers’ payment information including personal details like phone, address and name to be exposed to these individuals. Whether you are a small enterprise or a world-wide corporation, you need to embrace and evaluate new cyber security strategies to defend your business against these attacks.