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Cyber Threat Thursdays

Phishing threat- HMRC scams

Phishing threat- HMRC scams

In the Cyber Security scene, staying on top of the latest Cyber threats and trends is imperative to prepare for them. In this blog, we'll be spreading awareness of the very recently discovered HMRC Phishing scams that have already claimed the sensitive information of...

New WhatsApp Spyware

New WhatsApp Spyware

In the Cyber Security scene, staying on top of the latest Cyber threats and trends is imperative to prepare for them. In this blog, we’ll be spreading awareness of the recent Spyware attacks that have already claimed the sensitive information of WhatsApp users.  ...

Advancing complexity of LinkedIn Phishing scams

Advancing complexity of LinkedIn Phishing scams

Social media is an integral part of our lives, from keeping in touch with friends to finding job offerings online. It's actually quite surprising on reflection just how much we rely on it day to day. However, that means that we shouldn't overlook safe Cyber Security...

Cyber Threat Thursday- Chat GPT

Cyber Threat Thursday- Chat GPT

Welcome to the first blog of our new series, Cyber Threat Thursdays! This is a series where we will release blogs on the many threats over the internet to your Cyber Security. In this case, we will look into a topical and trendy AI called ChatGPT and how it has been...