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Cyber threats – protection when working remotely

Cyber threats – protection when working remotely

Businesses, particularly over the recent years, have adapted and grown to the idea of working from home cultures. But this change hasn’t come without its fair share of challenges for IT teams to manage whilst businesses are choosing to work remotely. From insecure networks to lack of supervision, these factors all contribute towards putting businesses at risk for cyber threats.

Third-party risks- how to protect yourself

Third-party risks- how to protect yourself

It’s a known fact that third-party risks are unavoidable in supplier-buyer relationships. One way that you can provide significant cyber security for your business is through the use of a third-party risk management plan. This is a type of process that focuses on assessing and managing risks that are associated with third parties.

Data breach – GoDaddy

Data breach – GoDaddy

GoDaddy, a domain registrar and web hosting company, has recently confirmed that up to 1.2 million of their customer data has been breached after hackers gained access to their Managed WordPress hosting network.

Remote Working – how does it affect Cyber Security

Remote Working – how does it affect Cyber Security

The shift to remote working was initially triggered as a result of the pandemic and continued to remain in place by many businesses. However, this unexpected and rapid shift has meant that many businesses have not been able to prepare for the world of remote working. Employees have been using their personal devices and networks that are nowhere near as secure as those implemented inside the workplace. 

Cyber Attacks – How to protect your Organisation

Cyber Attacks – How to protect your Organisation

Now is the time to become cyber aware and keep up with cyber security. Many SME’s are failing at some of the most basic cyber security procedures and as the threats are becoming more advanced and less targeted, your business could be at risk. There isn’t a single solution to providing 100% protection by itself against cyber attacks but the risk can be minimised and reduced through discipline, education and management alongside using sophisticated cyber security practises.