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IT Management

What does an IT support company do?

What does an IT support company do?

It may seem complicated to grasp what exactly IT support companies do especially when you are choosing the right one for you and your business. As technology continues to innovate the business world and change the way that we are working on a daily basis, we need to ensure that we are keeping up-to-date with all the different IT strategies especially those used by our competitors.

Managed Print Service – How does it help you?

Managed Print Service – How does it help you?

We’ve all been told that a Managed Print Service/Solution can save your business up to 30%, 40%, 50% and more off its print costs and with most businesses spending between 5-11% of their annual turnover on printing, it’s all very tempting but, perhaps, when you are bombarded by calls and emails from companies trying to offer their version of a “MPS” (Managed Printing Service) it can be confusing and sometimes seem almost too good to be true.

GDPR and CCTV- is this really a problem?

Businesses could find themselves paying a hard fee of 4% of their global annual turnover — so making sure that you’re compliant with the changes GDPR has regarding CCTV is essential.     Some of the key things you need to know: You need a strong and valid reason for...