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Cyber Security – Are you being over sold?

Are you being over told & over sold on Cyber Security?
Antivirus, Malware, Firewall, Email Protection, you’ve got the lot!
So why are you still being asked to Invest more!!

Solutions4IT provide a without obligation RISK ASSESSMENT because knowing is better than wondering.
By agreeing to an external risk assessment, you consent to Solutions4IT conducting an external probe of your business assets such as web services, computer networks, and email services visible to the public domain, in order to evaluate the strength of your cyber security.

The report provided is ‘free of charge’ and forms an excellent starting point for any further action you choose. Solutions4IT will not ask you to further invest, however we can assist with any concerns highlighted in the report. Allow this opportunity to show you what we can do as a company that you wont find in anywhere else.

At Solutions 4 IT, we deliver honest service at reasonable price, don’t believe us? See our case study clients here.

We also understand that your company may need more services than a risk assessment. Solutions 4 IT also offers a plethora of services including network security, cyber security, phone connectivity and more! Why have multiple IT providers for different services when we can offer you all of that from one company? To learn more about the services we provide in IT and what we can do for your business, look no further than here.

For further information call: 0121 289 4477, or attend our next presentation on June 27th
To reserve a place on the next presentation:
