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Apple has recently announced quite an unexpected glitch with the “Alarm” feature in the iPhone. The glitch in question seems to be alarms being completely silent. So, tomorrow, many of us might get an unexpected chance to sleep in.

Now, to be honest, this doesn’t seem like the worst issue in the world, as we all love to sleep, but maybe not at the cost of our work/education attendance. Jokes aside, to people working to tight shift patterns, this could be the difference between losing that promotion you wanted. Or maybe your job entirely depending on how unlucky you are.

This is why spreading awareness on things like this is so important, not just to cover our backs if it does happen, but maybe avoid it happening to us at all!


The iPhone problem at hand

Plenty of people took to social media to share their stories. One TikToker even mentioned, and I quote, that she set “like five alarms,” and none of them worked… you just have to love iPhone updates, right?!

Apple has acknowledged the problem but hasn’t yet provided details on what’s causing it. Helpful! The company also hasn’t shared how many people are affected or whether the issue is limited to specific iPhone models. This leaves us in the dark, and unsure if our phone might let us down.


What to do to make sure you get to work on time tomorrow

The buzz started when NBC’s Today Show reported the issue, bringing it to our attention. Without an official fix yet, all we can do is brainstorm for solutions to ensure we wake up on time. Now it’d be slightly unfair for me to tell you to never sleep until this gets fixed, so here are a few ideas:

First, guard against human error. Double-check your alarm settings to make sure everything is set up correctly and ensure your phone’s volume is turned up. This might seem basic, but it’s a good first step to rule out any simple mistakes. Who knows, maybe the update that broke this disabled some of our settings.

Secondly, some tech-savvy users think the problem might be related to the iPhone’s “attention-aware features.” These features are available on iPhone X and later models, as well as on the iPad Pro 11-inch and 12.9-inch.

Your device will check if you’re paying attention to it and can automatically lower the volume of alarms if they detect your face. So, if your face is turned towards your phone while you’re snoozing, these features could be kicking in and silencing your alarms. It’s worth tinkering with these settings to see if it makes a difference.

Lastly, I know it may be unlikely, but if you do have an old alarm clock lying around, I’d dust it off and start using it until this gets fixed. Other than that, hopefully, our internal body clocks actually work as well!

In the meantime, we’ll all be keeping an eye on Apple’s updates. Stay tuned as we’ll make another blog on this once it’s fixed.

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