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Give Microsoft Teams a voice through Direct Routing

Microsoft Teams Direct Routing from Gamma provides a flexible and cost effective alternative to your typical calling plans allowing your team to make and receive calls external to your business straight from their Microsoft Teams setup.

Benefits of Gamma’s Direct Routing tool



Better Customer Experience

Remote working has been a big change for most of us this year (2020) following the Coronavirus Pandemic, but this could also have had an impact on your level of customer service. By utilising the direct routing tool, your staff will be able to respond to customer enquiries more efficiently if they can take external calls anywhere using Teams.

Cost Savings

Direct Routing can often work out more cost effective than when using the usual Microsoft calling plans where minutes are allocated per user per month so if one member of the team maximises their monthly allowance, you will need to top that up. When using the Direct Routing tool, plans are similar when charging per user per month but the minutes are spread across the entire team meaning you are less likely to have to top up as often.

Call Management Features

With Direct Routing you can benefit from bespoke calling features which can be setup to suit your organisation. For example, Call Management can be implemented for contact centre agents where SIP Trunk features can be installed within Teams providing number porting and international numbers.

Improved Productivity

Spend less time switching up your applications and devices and streamline all of your workflow in one place through Microsoft Teams. This will result in better productivity and efficiency with your team, giving the customer a more seamless experience in the process.



Any business using Office 365 and Microsoft Teams can implement Direct Routing for Microsoft Teams as their preferred provider. For more information on how to to do this, speak with our IT technicians today by calling us on 0121 289 4477 or email us at