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Now that Halloween is here, we were thinking how would a haunted office or house look like in this digital era that we live in. With all that is IoT, having a haunted house and poltergeist events is even easier than you think. Keep reading below to read more on Cyber Security in this Halloween themed blog!
The number of connected devices that are in use worldwide exceeds 17 billion and with 7 billion IoT devices, it’s easy to get scared when you think of your automated home and how easily it can be possessed.
So let’s see what kind of paranormal events might happen in an intelligent home or workspace?
Demonic possession – we were talking yesterday about Bitdefender’s GandCrab decryption tool, but there are so many ransomware viruses out there. Ransomware is such an easy way to make money for cybercriminals, yes they attack mostly computers, but think how it would be to have your IoT devices possessed?
Witches – think of a cybercriminal putting a spell on one of your devices and using it to break your privacy. It might be a keylogger, or it might be one of your devices that was hacked and used to keep an eye on you!
Vampires – think of all those criminals trying to find information about you. All they need is, for example, a baby monitor that is connected to the internet or a camera. This way they know when you are home, or they may even spy on you and find information such as financial details.
Zombies – you know all those movies when a group of zombies attack a house or a car? Well, that is like a Denial-of-Service attack, when somebody is blocking your activity by sending in at the same time a high number of requests to your server or taking over your devices and using them to attack an organisation.
Ghosts – you’ve got your CCTV, your doorbell and Nest. They’re all under one app, and you think you are protected. But if you don’t add extra layers of security like a firewall, all these devices can be hacked and then you will have a ghost in your home.
That’s why we always recommend using a firewall like Watchguard. It helps you keep the demons away from your office or home, while enhancing your Cyber Security.
Photo by Phil Hearing on Unsplash