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Only a few days after the Windows 10 update was rolled by Microsoft, the giant announces on their support page that they suspended the rollout of 1809 update.

Windows 10

We have paused the rollout of the Windows 10 October 2018 Update (version 1809)* for all users as we investigate isolated reports of users missing some files after updating.

Microsoft presented us Windows 10 October 2018 Update (version 1809) during its big Surface event earlier last week. And since there were lots of people keen to try the new update and mostly the new improvements, it seems some of them lost documents, pictures or other info.

As much as it is unpardonable from a company as big as Microsoft to roll out an update for its operating system that can cause such grave issues, we do have to say that the only way to prevent losing your data is to back it up.

There are multiple ways to back up now. You can use cloud-based solutions, on-prem and even a simple 32 gigs USB stick for saving critical data like financial information. At Solutions 4 IT, we offer cloud-based services in reasonably priced packages that will help you business by reducing the risk of data loss. If you’d like to know more about what services we do provide click here.

But when it comes to updates, it is important to have updates tested and researched before pushing them to your machines, minimising the chances of unseen vulnerabilities and installation issues. As Tony Tec says “Just back it up!”